WP Abstracts – Manage Abstracts & Peer Review using WordPress v2.7.0

Core Features

Collect and Manage Abstracts

Allow users to submit Abstracts directly on your WordPress site.

Control Users

Disable users from accessing the WordPress admin dashboard.

Customizable Notifications

Customize email notifications for when an Abstract status has changed or assigned to a reviewer.

Blind Reviews

Enable or disable blind peer reviews. Show or hide reviewer comments to authors.

Unlimited Presenter Types

Set an unlimited amount of presenter types for authors and presenters to select.

Collect and Manage Reviews

Assign unlimited reviewers per abstract. If enabled, reviewers can be automatically notified via email.

Frontend Dashboard

Offer an Abstracts submission portal fully separated from your WordPress admin area.

Customizable Labels

Customize user facing titles, labels, section headers and messaging.

Download Reports

Exports submissions and reviews as CSV (excel).

Security Captcha

Require users to enter a security code at login to avoid spam bots.

User Registration

Use our form builder to customize your registration form for users to register and maintain profiles.

Allow Unlimited Attachments

Upload unlimited attachments to abstracts. Control attachment types and max size from the settings area.

Export to PDF

Export submitted Abstracts to PDF with one click.

WP Sync

Sync fields from the form builder to WordPress user meta data.

Fully Responsive

A fully responsive and intuitive user dashboard.

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