WooCommerce Subscription And Membership v1.0.0

Overview Of Membership Plugin for Woocommerce

Membership entitles Plugin and Wocommerce Store owners to restrict any post-category products or plans and the opportunity to purchase membership plans in conjunction with the Wocommerce product. You can easily restrict any post page or terms with the help of this plugin, with the help of this you can make sure that any member who matches only the plan’s criteria only then he can purchase that product otherwise No.

Membership Plugin for Woocommerce helps you to create unlimited members with the help of this plugin, if you want, you can add members manually and assign them a particular plan, And You are able to change their user roles.

You can turn on your Website into an income supply by protecting your valuable content or only part of it.

Features of Membership Plugin for Woocommerce

Dominant Admin Panel.

Easy To Set-up.

Dashboard Overview for See Activity Log.

Create unlimited membership Plans .

Create free paid(infinite) and paid(finite) plans .

Inherit Membership Plans

Add all new users automatically with the Plan.

Add Unlimited Members manually.

Assign Membership Plan for specific user.

Assign User Role manually.

Sell membership Planse with the Wocommerce Product.

Multiple Template Option for directory Listing.

Create content acess rule for poss page or product with created plans(you can set which product,post or page is acessible with the membership plans).

Restrict access to users without specific plan.

Restrict access to users with multiple conditions.

Send Membership expiration reminder.

Send Membership expired notification.

Send Membership granted notification.

Make products unpurchaseable for restricted users.

Redirect Page for the restricted Posts .

Connect With the Social Media Network .

Payment Gateway.

Enable Login Attempts Security.

Work Flow Of the Membership Plugin for Woocommerce

Step 1:

First Click On Manage Plan Option .

After that click on Add plan Button which is on top right side.

After that fill all required fields( and there is option for select which type type of plan you want to create please choose that ) .

After that select ( Are you want to activate this plan or not ).

And Save it.

Step 2 :

If you want to create member manually then follow given steps.

First Click On Manage Members Option .

After that click on Add Member Button which is on top right side.

After that fill all required fields .

And Save it

Step 3 :

First Click On Manage Forms Option.

And choose template.

Step 4 :

First Click On Content Accesses Option .

First Click On Content Accesse Option .

And choose Which Post type you want to restricted.

And After that choose which product, page or post and in which plan you want to restrict.

And After That save this rule.

Step 5 :

If You want to send notification to the user then follow given steps.

First Click On Email Notification Option .

And manage this according which you want.

And After that save it.

Step 6 :

If All you have done which mentioned in given up then follow these steps.

First Click On Settings Option .

And after that click on General settings option .

Choose restriction According to your need and save it.

If You want to activate any social media account then fill the form and save it.

Step 7 :

Go to payment Option and fill the required fields and save it.

Step 8 :

After that Go to security option choose which type of security you want to apply and after that save it.

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