Madara – WordPress Theme for Manga By MangaBooth

Download Madara – WordPress Theme for Manga Nulled Free ThemeForest 20849828

Madara is the first and complete solution for building a Manga site on WordPress. It is fast, robust and extensible. Data is stored on the cloud, which you can choose from Amazon S3, BlogSpot or Imgur. Of course, you can store data on your site as well. It has modern design and features such as Responsive, Lazy Loading, Infinite Pagination, SEO-optimized and RTL support.

With the Manga core plugin, you can change the skin by switching the theme, or add more features by browsing our marketplace for Manga.



Buy 1, Get 2: The core MANGA plugin and MADARA theme
Store Manga on different servers: Amazon S3; BlogSpot; Imgur
Unlimited Chapters and Volumes
Pre-defined and custom Advertisement location
Various Shortcodes and Widgets
Views Count, Star Rating, Bookmark Manga, Reading History
Advanced Manga Search & Filter
User Settings
Front-end login and register
Manga info: author, genre, tags, rank, artist
Manga Comment
Social Share
Ajax Load images, Read 1 page or multi-pages mode
RTL support
SEO optimized
Sample Data + One Click Install
Add-on Market for other Themes, Import Tools, Advanced Features plugins

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