Aelia Currency Switcher for WooCommerce v5.1.10.240807

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Currency Switcher for WooCommerce allows your Visitors to select in which currency they would like to see your prices, as well as complete transactions in such currency.

How it works

Once enabled, the Currency Switcher will allow you to configure a list of the currencies you would like to accept. Such currencies will then appear in a list, displayed as a widget, which your Users can use to choose their preferred currency. When a customer selects a currency, the shop will be both displaying prices and completing transactions in the new currency. The prices displayed on the shop will be the ones that the customer will pay upon completing the order.

Increase conversion by cutting credit card fees

Credit Card operators often charge a conversion fee when a payment is made in a currency different from the one for which the card was issued. This adds an extra cost on every purchase, and it can discourage prospective customers. Giving your Visitors the possibility of paying in their currency can help improving conversion.

Every order will store the currency used to place it, so that both Shop Managers and customers will be able to retrieve it and see how much they paid.

Please Note

Your ability to accept payment in each currency will depend on the Payment Gateway plugins installed on your site and on the Payment Processors you use. If you are unsure, we recommend that you contact them to verify that they will be able to process payments in the currencies you would like to accept.

The Currency Switcher for WooCommerce includes GeoLite data created by MaxMind, available from

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Key Features

Easy to use for both merchants and customers.
Allows customers to shop in their preferred currency.
Automatic update of exchange rates, via Open Exchange Rates, WebServiceX and Yahoo! Finance (more providers coming soon).
Allows to set exchange rates manually, instead of having them updated automatically.
Allows to enter prices in each currency for products and coupons, without having to use an exchange rate.
Allows to set a base currency for each product, and calculate prices in other currencies automatically.
Automatically detects of visitors’ country (geolocation), with currency set accordingly.
Filters available payment methods depending on the selected currency.
Visitors’ preferred currency is persistent and it will be selected automatically at their next visit.
Integration with the multi currencies feature of Google Analytics.
Allows to automatically select a currency based on customers’ billing or shipping country, rather than letting them choose it explicitly.
Comes with free integrations with some of the most popular WooThemes plugins, such as Subscriptions, Product Add-ons, Bundles, Composite Products, Dynamic Pricing, and more.
Fully supported by the WooCommerce Points and Rewards plugin, by wpweb.
Fully supported by the Product Feed PRO for WooCommerce, by AdTribes.
Fully compatible with our WooCommerce plugins.

WordPress 3.6 or newer
PHP 5.4 or newer
PHP Extensions

WooCommerce 2.6.x to 3.6.x
Free Aelia Foundation Classes framework or newer (the plugin can install the framework automatically).
Recommended: PHP and WordPress memory limit set to 128MB or more.

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