WooCommerce Brands By Proword v4.5.0

Download Free WooCommerce Brands Pro Nulled CodeCanyon 8039481

Key Features

Clean Design
Responsive Layout
WPML Plugin Support
Multisite Support
Campatible with Visual Composer plugin
Assign Brands to Products
Create Your Custom Shortcode
10 different views
7 Awesome Shortcodes
Display All Brands with A-Z Filter
Brands Thumbnail
Product by Brand With Ajax Filter
Display Vertical Carousel (Vertical Slider)
Display Horizontal Carousel (Horizaontal Slider)
Display All Brands in Text Mode
Display All Brands in Image Mode

Display All Brands with A-Z Filter
Brands Thumbnail
Products Brand Filter(List/Dropdown)
Display Vertical Carousel (Vertical Slider)
Display Horizontal Carousel (Horizaontal Slider)
Display All Brands in Dropdown

Extra Button
Display Brands with A-Z Filter in Extra Button (Left/Right Silde)

Setting Page with Advanced Options
Customize “Brand” : Enter your title for displayed instead Extra Button title.
Display item from Brands or Categories.
Enable/Disable Display Brands Extra Button
Choose Extra Button Position (Left/Right)
Enable/Disable Display Brand`s Description in Single Product Page
Enable/Disable Display Brand`s Description in Product List
Enable/Disable Display Brand`s Image in Single Product Page
Enable/Disable Display Brand`s Text in Single Product Page
Enable/Disable Display Brand`s Image in Product List
Enable/Disable Display Brand in Product List
Set custom structures for your brand URLs in Admin->Settings->Permalinks
Display brand in even item in category product list
Display brand in even item in category product list
Add Default Image for Brand
You can set External link for Brands.If you set the url, When visitor click on a brand name, this url will be diplayed instead of brand page

Other Options
Enable/Disable Display Brand Title (Use in Carousel and Display All Brands in Image Mode)
Enable/Disable Display Number of Products Relate to Brand
You Can Add Featured Attribute to Brands (Products -> Brands -> Add new and Check Featured)
Enable/Disable Display Only Featured Brands
Enable/Disable Display Image (Use in Display All Brands in Image Mode)
You Can Enter Number of Item in Carousel
You Can Enter Number of Item per View in Carousel
Choose Position in Carousel (Left/Center/Right)

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