Support Ticket Management System for WordPress v1.9

Download Free Support Ticket Management System for WordPress Nulled CodeCanyon 21946601

Convert your WordPress into Fully Functional Support Ticket Help Management System and support your customers like a Pro.


Advanced Ticket Management

Manage your client’s support requests like a pro using this ticket management system. This plugin is built in a manner that any company regardless of how small or big can use it.

Create Unlimited Agent Accounts

Create unlimited number of agents, Agent administrators and agent groups without any restrictions and extra expenses. No need to pay on per agent basis to all the expensives help desk services.

Graphical Representation

Represent all the reports and data graphically and analyse your services like a pro. Various statistics regarding tickets, agents, groups, feedbacks, ratings, clients etc. can be view graphically with this plugin.

Create Agent Groups

Manage your agents by creating agent groups. Agent Groups can be mapped with ticket topics. Ticekts can be assigned to agent groups or group admins for easier ticket allocation. Make groups of different deparments and map them with ticket topics for faster and easier ticket processing. You can do so much more with this feature.

User Feedback Module

Once a ticket is solved, you can send a email to your user, asking for feedback on the support received. The user can leave a rating and feedback comment.

Email Notifications

Various email notifications are sent directly from the plugin at various stages of ticket. Email notifications are sent both to site admin and ticket creator at various points of interactions. All the emails sent can be configured from the plugin settings panel.

Automatically Assign Agents

You can automatically assign agents as soon as the tickets are created and thus save lot of time and hassle. Agents can be assigned automatically using various methods as per your company or product requirement. You can choose to assign ticket to any agent, agent group, agent admin or group admin as per your needs. You can even assign tickets in loop order or can assign ticket with agent with lowest number of tickets. This way you can divide work easily and equally among your agents. You can even map ticket topic with agent groups and assign based on selected ticket topic. There is some much more this feature can do to make your life easy while managing tickets.

User Login & Registration Module

Any user can register, login and reset password from your website using this module. Proper email verification is done before activating user account. A client or agent both can manage their tickets after login on site.

Multi Level Ticket topic management

All the tickets created are categorized by a topic. You can create topics in multi level heirarchy. Topics can be mapped with agent groups and can thus helping in auto assign tickets based on topics.

Map Agent Groups & Ticket topics

Map ticket topic with agent groups and auto assign tickets to agent groups based on selected ticket topic. This helps in assigning the tickets to your agents fast and accurately. You can manage and save a lot a time and hassle using the module.

Multilingual – Translation Ready

This plugin can be translated in any lanaguage. Proper translation files in .po and .mo format are included in the package. You can translate the plugin in any language of your desire.

Multisite Compatible

This plugin is multisite compatible. It can installed individually on each site on your multisite network.

Ticket Listing and Sorting

The ticket listing module helps in detailed view of all tickets in one place. Tickets can be sorted based on various columns in ascending and descending order.

Client can reply directly from his/her Email account

Your clients can directly reply to the ticket from the email itself, without visiting the website. Ticket Comment / reply can be done from the site as well as from email. IMAP settings are configured in this plugin and replies can be fetched from your email account. Moreover email attachments can be fetched and stored along with comment in your website.

Auto Close Tickets

Solved tickets can be marked as closed automatically after a certain period of time. Time can be configured from plugin settings panel.

FAQ module

There is an inbuilt FAQ (frequently asked questions) module integrated in this plugin. You can create question and answers related to your product or site and display them to any visitor on your site. In case if the user is not able to find proper answer he/she is looking for from this FAQ section, then he/she can create a new ticket asking for support on your site.

Various User Roles

Various user roles are integrated in this plugin for better categorization and user management. Client, Agents, Agent Admins are different user roles that can be assigned to a user. Agent group admin can also be managed after creating an agent group.

IMAP integration

This plugin also comes with a feature to receive email reply as ticket comments. Means a ticket creator can reply to a email and it will be stored as comment in the system.You can configure your email account IMAP settings securely in this plugin.

Detailed Documentation

Very well developed and detailed documentation is included in the package. All the features and steps are with proper screenshots. In case of any doubts, you can always visit the documentation.

Timely and Professional Support

We provide professional and quality customer support with this plugin. You can always contact us for any further inquiry or queries.

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