WooCommerce Photo Reviews – Review Reminders – Review for Discounts v1.3.14

Download WooCommerce Photo Reviews – Review Reminders – Review for Discounts CodeCanyon 21245349 Free Nulled

WooCommerce Photo Review helps you increase social proof which will lead to increase sales.

Send emails asking for reviews (offer coupon)
Allows customers posting reviews include product pictures
Send coupon to customers who posted a review

REVIEWS: let customers leave beautiful reviews including product pictures with flexible settings and designs.

Photo review: allowing customers post review include product pictures.
Max picture size: set a maximum picture size that can be attached to a review.
Max picture quantity: set a maximum picture quantity that can be attached to a review.
Photos are required: select if reviews must include pictures?
2 front-end style: select to display reviews on front-end as Grid or WooCommerce default.
Display by time: select to display newest or oldest review first on front-end.
Rating count: display review rating count table on front-end.
Review filter: allow customers to sort reviews by ratings, contain pictures, verified owners.
IMPORT ALIEXPRESS REVIEWS: Import product reviews from AliExpress by using product URLs or SKUs.

Import using product links: using an Aliexpress product link to import reviews from that products to a selected WooCommerce product.
Import using product SKUs: the plugin will use SKU of your WooCommerce products and then search for that product in AliExpress. Then import reviews from that product to your WooCommerce product.
Selected Ratings: choose which review ratings will be imported All reviews, only 5-stars reviews, only 4-stars reviews, only 3-stars reviews, only 2-stars review or only 1-star reviews.
Included pictures: select to import only reviews that include pictures
Translate to English: AliExpress has a feature to translate reviews into English. This option of WooCommerce Photo Review allows you to select to import translated reviews or import original reviews.
Mark imported review as Verified owner: the imported reviews will be marked with a “Verified owner” badge, that means the reviews come from people who purchased.
Download picture: if you select the download picture option, review pictures will be download to your website database. If not, the plugin will use the AliExpress pictures (with URLs to AliExpress.com) to display review pictures.
Country: select a country to import only reviews from that selected country.
Number of reviews: select a number of reviews will be imported. A product on AliExpress.com can have thousands of reviews and you may not want to import all of that reviews. So this option will help you to set a limit of reviews will be imported.
Import all: An option allows you to import all reviews for selected products inDashboard/ Products. This option only works with products that have SKU same with AliExpress SKU.
REVIEW REMINDER: offering coupons to encourage customers posting reviews.

Review reminder email: send emails to customers who purchased products, offering them coupons to encourage them posting review
Products Restriction: select which products will the review reminder works.
Schedule reminder email: select when will the plugin send reminder emails to customers.
REVIEW NOW button: include a review now button with the link lead to the single product page.
Configure review reminder email: configure the review reminder email sending to customers using shortcode {customer_name}
COUPON FOR REVIEW: send coupon email to customers who posted reviews

Photos required: only reviews include photos can get a coupon.
Minimum rating required: set a minimum rating review can get a coupon.
Verified owners required: the only reviews from the verified owner can get a coupon.
Specified products required: only selected products review can get a coupon.
Auto generate unique coupon: select to send existing coupon or auto generate unique coupons.
Configure coupon email: configure the coupon email sending to customers using shortcode {customer_name} {coupon_code} {date_expires}

Automatically update: by entering your purchase code in plugin settings, you can auto-update it in your Dashboard whenever there is a new version. You can use only update automatically in support time that is working
Fully design: design the photo review front-end to make it compatible with your theme.

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