Borlabs Cookie – Cookie Opt-in Plugin For WordPress v.3.1.4

WordPress Cookie Plugin – Top Features

WordPress Cookie Opt-in for ePrivacy & GDPR

With the GDPR or at the latest with the ePrivacy Regulation, cookies may no longer be set without the visitor’s consent. The previously used opt-out procedure is no longer permitted. Borlabs Cookie allows you to send cookies via opt-in, meaning that the visitor has to actively opt-in for the activation of cookies.

Cookie & Cookie Group Management

Manage your Cookies in Cookie Groups and provide a clear list in your Privacy Policy with all information such as name, duration, purpose, origin, etc. You can create as many Cookie Groups and Cookies as you like and give your visitors the choice to which they consent.

Google Analytics, AdSense, Tag Manager & Facebook

Borlabs Cookie already contains all the necessary tracking codes for Google Analytics and Facebook Pixel – all you have to do is enter your tracking IDs. With an opt-in of your visitors, the necessary code reloads without the website having to reload and an integrated opt-out solution required by the GDPR is available.

Multi-Language Support with WPML & Polylang

With the help of the WordPress plugins WPML or Polylang, you can configure Borlabs Cookie individually for each language. Borlabs Cookie is available in Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Polish and Spanish and all texts that are displayed to the visitor can be customized by you in Borlabs Cookie.

WordPress Theme Compatibility

Borlabs Cookie is designed to work with any WordPress theme. The following themes and PageBuilders were used for the tests: Avada, Beaver Builder, Divi, Elementor Pro, The7, WPBakery Visual Composer.

WordPress Caching Plugin Compatibility

We know how important caching plugins are and therefore Borlabs Cookie has been designed and developed to be compatible with all WordPress caching plugins. Just activate it and get started.

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