Flink – WordPress App Builder (Auto WP to Native Android App) + Ultimate Admin Panel v1.8

Flink – WordPress App Builder (Auto WordPress to Native Android App) + Ultimate Admin Panel 25000917

App Features:

User Friendly Material Interface – Material interface, which by Google has been stated as necessary for all mobile apps, websites and products and which is a sense of design that combines known design values with scientific studies, is used in your app.
Fully Compliant with WordPress – Your application works smoothly with many features of WordPress like post, page, category, tag, in-post gallery, audio and video players and users.
Two Way Synchronization – Your app is connected to your website via API, so any content updated by you on your website is also updated in your app instantaneously. No need for extra actions.
Push Notifications with Firebase – You can inform your users about newly added content or your application by sending push notifications.
Multilanguage Support – Your users are able to use your app in different languages and they can switch to different languages via language section on “Settings” page.
RTL (Right to Left) Language Support – Your app supports right-to-left languages like Arabic, Farsi, Hebraic and Urdu.
Multiple Layout Support – You can use 4-5 different layout options like “grid, list, box and big box for listing pages of your app like post, category, author etc.
Different Theme Options – Your users are able to use themes with different colors. They are able to change it anytime.
Firebase Integration – You can reach many detailed info about your app users via Firebase (number of active users using your app, number of active accounts, daily user interaction, user’s demographical info etc.)
Earning Money (Advertisements) – You can create income with banner and native ads via platforms like Google AdMob, Facebook Audience Network.
“Pull to Refresh” Feature – Your users can update the data by pulling top section of the screen towards bottom section with their finger. For example, if there is a new data, it is shown after this action.
“Load More” Feature – Your users are able to load further data by dragging their finger from bottom towards top on the screen.
Splash Screen – If you use membership login feature in your app, a “splash screen” is first shown to your users. On this page, a title and a short explanation about your app as well as membership related buttons (register, login etc.) are shown.
Membership – If you wish, you can activate user registration and login features (work fully integrated with WordPress) by using membership feature in your app.
Editing Profile – Your users can edit any info on their profile and easily complete many actions like password reset.
“Gravatar” Support and Custom Profile Picture Upload – Your app supports well-known Gravatar profile picture platform. additionally, your users can also upload their own photos.
Screen Transition Animations – You can use many different animations for screen transition in your app.
Adding to Favorites – Your users are able to add any content they like and want to read later into their favorites and they can also reach this content easily.
Menu and Tab Option Management – You can manage your app’s tab and menu options, activate or deactivate any option and sort them as you wish.
Native Gallery, Audio & Video Player – Support is available for natively coded, WordPress compliant, single and multiple video and audio players as well as gallery in your app’s content pages.
Password Protected Content – You can define some content accessible with a password by specific users when you don’t want all your users to see that specific content. In your app, this content can be seen only by logged in users.
Comments – Your users can comment on your content in your app.
Comment “Like & Dislike” Feature – Your users can show their like or dislike towards any comment in your app.
Data Filter – Your users can define filters on your app’s data listing pages and access some data in a more prior way based on the defined sorting (i.e. from A to Z, from Z to A, Comment Count from High to Low, Comment Count from Low to High)
Detailed Search – Your users can reach desired items by making simultaneous searches over posts, pages and authors with search menu of your app.
Categories – Your users can reach your content with the categories you created.
Hierarchical Category Support – All subcategories of your main categories are shown flawlessly and in a hierarchical way in your app.
Pages – You can show the pages that you use in WordPress and that you can create specially for your app to your users.
Authors – You can show your authors in your app and let your users reach many information about your authors (author posts, post count, profile info etc.)
Archive – You can show your posts archived based on years and months.
Tag Cloud – With the tags listed in tag cloud, your users can reach similar content in an easier way.
Social Accounts – You can share your social media accounts with your users. More than 20 social platforms are supported.
Social Share – Your users can easily share your app and your content on social platforms.
Frequently Asked Questions – You can help your users by adding frequently asked questions and their answers.
Advanced Application Settings – Your users are able to configure many settings like app notification settings or profile settings.
Contact – Your users can reach you easily with contact form.
Plugin Features:

Practical Installation Wizard – With the installation wizard, you can install your plugin fast and easily. No extra plugin is required for the installation.
Easy to Use Design – You can make changes fast with the plugin design tailored for ease of use.
Auto-creation of Your Application – You can create your app with one click and without any coding skill and download your “apk” file.
Detailed Dashboard – You can check various data for your application in dashboard and you can reach many data and statistics with tables and graphs like number of users using your app, frequently used GSM operators, theme colors etc.
App User Management – You can list your app’s users and you can see many different info about your users like country, smartphone model, operating system and its version, operator, language, app version and many other.
Page Management – You can manage the pages you use in WordPress and pages you will create specifically for your app. You can use many features for the pages like listing, creating, editing, deleting, activating, deactivating and sorting with drag & drop.
Language Management – You can manage text translations for different languages with language management. You can also use many features for languages like listing, adding a new language, deleting, activating and deactivating.
App Themes – Among different themes, you can choose the default theme for your users and you can check how it looks like with preview feature.
Frequently Asked Questions Management – You can manage frequently asked questions that you want to show in your app. You can also use many features for frequently asked questions like listing, creating, editing, deleting, activating, deactivating and sorting with drag & drop.
App Menu Management – You can define menu items that will be shown in your app’s menu, sort these items with drag & drop feature and activate or deactivate any item, as you wish.
App Tab Layout Management – You can define the items that will be shown in your app’s tab layout, sort these items with drag & drop feature and activate or deactivate any item, as you wish.
Advanced Ad Management – You can manage different settings regarding the ads that will be shown in your app in a detailed manner.

Ability to use different ad types (sub banner, native ads etc.)

Ability to select screens on which the ads will be displayed

Ability to use different ad platforms (Google AdMob, Facebook Audience Network)

Ability to define the display frequency of native ads in your app (like displaying ad after each 5 contents)
Notification Management – You can configure many settings about the push notification that will be sent to your users.

Ability to send push notifications

Ability to schedule push notifications

Ability to re-send any notification that is already sent

Ability to list notifications

Ability to delete notifications

Automatic post notifications (when a post is added to any category that you select, your users receive push notification automatically. You can activate or deactivate this feature.)

– Graphical notification data (ability to check the data regarding the notifications in a visual way)
General Settings

– Ability to select default app language (you can select in which language your app will be displayed and configure many other related settings)

– Ability to select if login to your app is required or not

– Ability to select date format in your app

– Ability to select whether title or logo or icon will be displayed on the action bar located at the top of your app

– Ability to select which animation will be used for screen transitions

– Ability to upload the logo that will be displayed on the splash screen of your app

– Ability to define the recipient email address for the emails that is sent to you

– Ability to define the logo, title and the content on your splash screen of your app

– Ability to define the name of your application that will be shown on mobile devices

– Ability to define URL structure of your app that will be shown in Play Store

– Ability to define the icon of your app that will be shown on mobile devices
API Settings – You can make necessary settings of the platforms that require API settings, like “Google Firebase”.
Category Settings

Ability to choose category listing layout

Ability to define the default sorting type of category listing

Ability to select the categories that you want to display in your app

Ability to select whether to show the total category count or not to show

Ability to select whether to show post count of categories listed or not to show

Ability to select if a category will be displayed or not in case there is no post in that listed category

Ability to select category specific icons, define the icon color as well as the icon’s background color (ability to use icons from icon sets like Font Awesome, Material etc.)

Ability to search icons while selecting category specific icons – Ability to define default category icon and its colors
Post Settings

Ability to set based on what the featured image of your posts will be defined

Ability to upload a default image to your posts

Ability to select to show or not to show the publish date of your posts

Ability to select post listing layout

Ability to select based on which sorting type the posts will be listed

Ability to select the number of posts to be shown on post listing pages

Ability to select to show or not to show the total post count on post listing pages

Ability to select to show or not to show categories, post galleries, post audios, post videos and tags on post pages

Ability to select gallery layout that will be displayed on post pages

Ability to select whether different posts will be displayed or not under the posts on post pages and if so, ability to configure many detailed settings regarding the way of listing posts
Page Settings

Ability to select page listing layout

Ability to define based on which sorting type your pages will be listed by default

Ability to define default number of pages to be shown on page listing pages

Ability to define whether total page count will be shown on page listing pages or not
Tag Cloud Settings

Ability to define based on which sorting type your tags will be listed by default

Ability to define default number of tags to be shown on tag cloud listing pages

– Ability to define whether total tag count will be shown on tag cloud pages or not
Profile Settings – You can select which info will be shown and which info will not be shown on user profile pages.
Author Settings

Ability to select author listing layout

Ability to list users based on user roles

Ability to define based on which sorting type authors will be listed by default

Ability to define default number of authors that will be shown on authors page

Ability to define whether total author count will be shown on authors page or not

Ability to define to show or not to show the post count of authors listed
Archive Settings

Ability to select archive layouts

Ability to define based on which sorting type archive data will be listed by default

Ability to define to show or not to show total post count on archive pages

Ability to hide months and years with no post on archive pages
Comment Settings

– Ability to select the comment system that will be sued in your app (i.e. WordPress comment system)

– Ability to choose whether “Like – Dislike” feature on the comments sent to posts

– Ability to define based on which sorting type comments will be listed by default

– Ability to select default number of comments that will be shown on comment pages

– Ability to deactivate commenting in your app
Search Settings – You can select for which listing types search section will be active
Email Settings – You can configure all email related settings practically.
Social Media Account Management – You can define the social media accounts that you want to be displayed in your app, choose the layout and sort them with drag & drop feature.
Plugin Management

– Ability to choose plugin template (different color options)

– Cron Management (You can analyze and manage the execution data for the cron jobs that work related with your plugin)

– Ability to see detailed info about the plugin, WordPress and your server
and many more…


WordPress 4.6 or higher
PHP 5.6 or higher
OpenSSL (PHP plugin) to be active and running
Mysqli (PHP plugin) to be active and running
cURL (PHP plugin) to be active and running
GD (PHP plugin) to be active and running
Mbstring (PHP plugin) to be active and running
Zip (PHP plugin) to be active and running
GZip (PHP plugin) to be active and running
Exif (PHP plugin) to be active and running
DOMDocument (PHP plugin) to be active and running

v1.1.5 – January 23, 2020

1. [New] – User location permission option

2. [New] – Selecting the minimum search character limit

3. [New] – Ability to turn off copying for content on post and page screens

v1.1.0 – January 17, 2020

1. [Update] – Fixed a conflict between WordPress’s “iris.min.js” file and the “Chart JS ”plugin.

2. [Update] – Facebook SDK has been updated.

3. [Update] – Added interstitial ads. (AdMob and Facebook Audience Network)

4. [New] – AdMob native ads were activated.

5. [New] – Added RTL support for post screen.

6. [New] – “Contact Form 7” plugin support has been added.

7. [New] – “Very Simple Google Maps” plugin support has been added.

8. [New] – Added support for adding video by URL.

9. [Update] – Minor bugs solved.

v1.0.1 – November 21, 2019

1. [Update] – Minor bugs solved.

v1.0.0 – November 10, 2019

1. Release the first version

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