WPS Mass Embedder v1.6.2 Untouched

Mass import videos​This is the main feature of this plugin. Mass import videos and their data (title, description, embed code, duration, thumbnails, tags and actors) right into WordPress posts. You can search and import videos from 50+ Tubes by selecting their categories or entering some keywords.

Auto-pilot​Import some new video day after day the automatic and lazy way. Thanks to WordPress or Server cron job, the plugin will be able to retrieve new videos from saved feeds, importing them without your intervention.

You can set the frequency between each auto import:

1 hour – 6 hours – 12 hours – 24 hours.

Monetization​Thanks to the partner embed player, save your bandwidth and send traffic to the original tube to earn commissions.

You can also display banners from adult advertising networks. All our themes are advertising ready.

No more redirection​Keep your visitors on your site! WPS Mass Embedder prevents your visitors to be redirected to original tube when they click on the their iframes. You can choose exactly the partners whose iframes you want to block.

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