WP OAuth Server Pro v4.3.2

WP OAuth Server is ideal for any agency or freelancer that is looking to cut hours off development, if not weeks. When WordPress OAuth Server is installed, that site will become an OAuth 2.0 Server with all the options of a full OAuth 2 Server. WP OAuth Server is fully deductible and can be written off as an expense at the end of the year for taxes.

There are other plugins that claim to do OAuth 2.0 for WordPress, but they only do what is known as “authorization code.” WP OAuth Server supports OpenID and all other grant types right out of the box and comes with plugin support, expert help, and our money-back guarantee.

Plugin Features

All OAuth 2.0 Grant Types (Auth-Code, Implicit, Client Credentials, User Credentials, JWT, OpenID Connect)
WP REST API User Authentication
Unlimited Clients
OpenID Discovery
Hybrid Application Passwords
Built-in Resource Server for custom API development outside the WP REST API.
Restrict all REST API Endpoints to only authenticated users.
Live Chat Support in the Admin Area.
PHP 8 Compatible
Rocket Chat Compatible
PKCE Support
Role-Based Client Restrictions
User Info Mapping
User Roles and Capabilities
WordPress subdomain and subdirectory support
Connecting Mobile Applications and Desktop Software to WordPress​WP OAuth Server Pro gives you access to the grant type “User Credentials,” which provides seamless user integration to your mobile application. Simply enable “User Credentials” and start making requests to the server. Check out the documentation at https://wp-oauth.com/docs/general/grant-types/user-credentials/.


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