MinervaKB Knowledge Base for WordPress with Analytics v2.0.9

Download Free MinervaKB Knowledge Base for WordPress with Analytics CodeCanyon 19185769

Add documentation and track its performance instantly!

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask us in comments or via contact form in Envato profile. We try our best to respond right away (or within 1 hour) during working time (we’re at GMT+2, EET) or within 1 day otherwise.

Ajax intuitive Live Search with multiple themes
Analytics dashboard, with views, likes and dislikes weekly / monthly graph
Search analytics – see what users searched for and which results they received
Shortcode builder
Article attachments
Guest posting / Frontend submission
Software versions labels
Visual Composer elements available
One-click demo import
Articles feedback
Content restriction. Restrict access to articles based on user role. Show login form and teaser to users who are not registered.
732 Google Fonts with flexible load options
Articles text color and typography
FAQ module
Google Analytics integration
Search on articles and topics pages
Search for articles using tags
Custom order of topics (drag n drop)
Custom order of articles (drag n drop)
Home page box or list layout, with 2, 3 or 4 columns
Dynamic Table of Contents in articles
Custom post type slugs
Breadcrumbs on topics and articles pages
Nested categories support
Multiple sidebars for each page type
Optionally can display page content on knowledge base page
Icons for topics or articles (600+ icons)
Show or hide article views, likes and dislikes buttons and count with custom icons
Estimated reading time for articles
Enable or disable comments
Automatic updates
Use our templates or switch to your theme default templates
Override plugin templates from theme
Topic and articles widgets
Topics, articles and search shortcodes
Tip, Info and Warning content shortcodes for use in our articles, with custom colors and icons
Responsive design
Optimized for speed
Translation & WPML ready
RTL support

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